Floor Mounted Tables
No. 14 Table
Deister floor-mounted tables are widely used in the concentration of minerals when handling small tonnage rates.
The No. 14 table has half the deck area and half the capacity of the full-sized No. 6 table. It is used as either a half-sized commercial unit or a large size laboratory table.
No. 14 Table
Deister floor-mounted tables are widely used in the concentration of minerals when handling small tonnage rates.
The No. 14 table has half the deck area and half the capacity of the full-sized No. 6 table. It is used as either a half-sized commercial unit or a large size laboratory table.
Deister tables are designed for the concentration of a variety of minerals; the tables can also be used for recovery of values from slags, drosses, and sweepings, and in the removal of impurities from glass sand.
What minerals can our tables separate?
Barium (Barite)
Beach Sands (Ilmenite, Zircon, Rutile)
Chrome (Chromite)
Cobalt (Smaltite, Cobaltite)
Manganese (Pyrolusite)
Tantalum (Tantalite)
Tin (Cassiterite)
Tungsten (Scheelite, Wolframite)
Rare Earth (Lanthanum, Cerium, Yttrium, Neodymium, etc

*Capacity for cleaner feeds are generally 50% less than that of rougher feeds